Community Changes Everything... 

Our Culture
We believe that each individual deserves sovereignty over their being and our community supports that by establishing safe spaces where healthy power dynamics and trauma-informed practices are valued. We support mixed-modality wellness practices with a blend of Western and Eastern practices where we honor and encourage healthy personal expression through art, ceremony, music, ritual & everyday life integration.  

Our Commitment
We commit to having spaces and experiences where the individual has a choice, informed consent, and education to lead them back to themselves. We are an intentional, consensual, and unconventional portal to the inner self as a sanctuary.

Our Mission
Our mission is to provide rabbit holes that serve as portals for you to discover your sovereign truth. Our objective is to hold space for you to be held in your journey to self-realization in healthy community arms that provide infinite resources, products, services, courses, retreats, and more. We desire to be a catalyst for growth in personal and community health and provide a non-appropriative space to learn about alternative medicines and practices as well as integration techniques that are ‘right for you’.